Our ESG sets out our approach that forms the basis of our decisions by focusing on business ethics and compliance, people and culture and community involvement.

At the core of our ESG strategy is strong governance and a robust risk and compliance framework. This framework is supported by procedures and systems to ensure that we apply, at all times, high levels of personal and professional integrity.

We will not enter into or maintain, relationships with individuals or organisations engaged in illegal activities, which go against our code of ethics.  We do not accept client’s or supplier’s activities involving money laundering, corruption or bribery, child labour or forced labour.

We are committed to reducing our energy and carbon impacts, as we believe that climate change is one of the greatest risks to our world. Our sustainability program is committed to environmentally sustainable initiatives that deliver near-term efficiency, value, and health for our business.  As an example, we have a number of waste management initiatives implemented across our offices aimed at recycling plastics and minimising paper usage.

We strive to create a workplace in which there is mutual trust and respect and where every person feels responsible for the performance and reputation of our company. We respect one another and each other’s individual rights and customs.  The health and safety of our employees, vendors and customers are of the utmost importance to us. Our Health and Safety policy is adopted to ensure safety in our work practices, improve employment conditions, and the occupational health, safety and wellbeing of employees.

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